Yummy! What & Why? - Healthy Foods for Kids - Nutrition Edition【電子書籍】[ Baby Professor ]
With the plethora of unhealthy food options, how do you encourage your child to eat healthy? Well, you make him/her understand the benefits, of course. If plan talk will not get the job done then this beautiful picture book will. Read this in place of a bedtime story or during “down” times at home. There’s plenty to learn from in each page. Grab a copy now.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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yummy 関連ツイート
RT @rk__skp__: 渋谷駅にキスマイのYummy!!看板出てたよ〜🙂!かわいい〜!! https://t.co/vhkldWdSc2
@yuXpThVUozqLjR7 2018/04/24 11:05
@TOWER_Takatsuki 2018/04/24 11:12
NEWアルバム #Yummy!!
#キスマイとおいしい関係 https://t.co/ChGBSHEKMM
@maiko_0810_317 2018/04/24 11:09
#yummy #キスマイ https://t.co/F21ocfFdun